Video portraits
A series of video portraits: all the artists exhibiting at De Ketelfactory. Made by Kim Everdine Zeegers
. Fascinations, motives and the inner life come to the surface in these video portraits. Every artist creates on the basis of a source, giving new life to something. For the maker and the viewer, the new work of art gives rise to certain stimuli. It can be moving or defiant, for instance, and can make us observe in a new way. This can stir up something in us — Zeegers calls it ‘exaltation’.
The creative breath of life, or source of inspiration, has a different origin and meaning with each artist. Showing that is what interests Zeegers. Working in a range of fields — dramatic, visual, performance and video art — Zeegers can be regarded as a multidisciplinary artist. The focus of her work remains constant, however, and lies with people and their inspirations.